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How to get a perfect body shape in 2 weeks

How to get a perfect body shape in 2 weeks

Some exercices to get a perfect body shape are-




Forward plank 

Squat jump


Mountain climbing

Leg raises

Diet rules

Dynamic lunges




Kickboxing is a best way to lose weight from your thighs and butt. 

Keeping your fists tight, reaching shoulder height at the extension.

 Keep wrists in line with the rest of your arm. Rotate hips and pivot to protect your knees.

 Keep your eyes straight and kick. Repeat it for 20 times.



Raise up onto your toes, so that you can balance well on your hands and toes.

 Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the 

middle or arching your back. Your feet can be close together or a bit wider,

 depending on what is most comfortable for you.

“Before you begin any movement, contract your abs and tighten your core 

by pulling your belly button in. Keep a tight core. Inhale as you slowly bend

 your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle.

 Exhale as you begin pushing back up to the start position,” 



Running is a great way to not only lose weight, but also tone yourself. 

The most important piece of equipment you need for running is shoes.

 Make sure to invest in a good pair of shoes that not only provide comfort

 but also proper grip while running. Start with a 10 minute brisk walk and 

alternate 30 seconds of running with one minute of walking. Increase the

 amount of time you run and decrease the amount of time you spend walking. 

This will help you to start running for 20 to 30 minutes in another three-four days. 


Squat jump

“Stand with feet shoulder width apart — arms at side. Start by doing a regular squat and then

 jump when you rise up reaching for the ceiling. When you land, lower your body back into 

the squat position. Repeat 10 times,” 

 “During the second week of your exercise routine, make sure to include more of 

weight training, combined well with cardio training twice

a week. This will keep the weight you've shed in check and also help you tone faster.”


Forward plank

“The forward plank is a full-body exercise for your arms, butt and legs. 

Start on your knees and place your hands on the floor in front of you. 

Your arms should be straight and not locked out. Tighten your stomach

 muscles as you lean forward until your shoulders are directly over your wrists,”

  Stay in this position by extending your feet straight back with your toes curled 

and your weight on your feet. Keep your legs and butt muscles tight as you keep

 your body in a straight line. Make sure to not let your lower back sag and keep 

your belly button pulled towards your spine throughout the exercise. Repeat 10 times. 


Dynamic lunges

Stand with both feet together. Take a long step forward with your right leg.

 Bending the back leg, move your back knee towards the floor — your front

 knee should not go further forward than your toes. “Your back knee should

 go down to an inch off the floor but remember not to touch the ground. In 

one controlled movement, return your front foot back to the starting position

 with the other foot.” Repeat 15 times.


Mountain climbers

Place your hands on the floor — slightly wider than shoulder width.

 On your forefeet, position one leg forward bent under your body and 

extend the other leg back. While holding your upper body in place, alternate

 your leg positions by pushing your hips up while immediately extending your back leg 

forward and pulling your rear leg forward under your body, landing on both your forefeet 



Leg raises

Lie on your back. Keep your lower body back in contact with the floor — 

keeping your feet and legs together and straight. Place both your hands to the sides or

 under your lower back for support. Lift your legs upward, until they are straight above your hips.

 Lower down to starting position slowly but do not touch the ground.

Repeat 10 times. 


Your diet rules


Rule No 1: Be tough. Stay away from nasty fat, excessive salt and simple sugars. 

This will help you lose weight faster.



Rule No 2: Have a basic breakfast of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats to kickstart

 your metabolism for the day and provide fuel and muscle sustaining nutrients.

 “Breakfast should be an easy-to prepare meal from a quality protein shake to a bowl of oatmeal, 

scoop of cottage cheese and fruits.”


Rule No 3: “Do not let snacks be a substitute for a complete meal. Good snacks are fruits 

and vegetables, protein energy bars, yoghurt, cottage cheese and light protein drinks.”


Rule No 4: Excessive sugar plays havoc with our insulin metabolism and this leads to fatigue 

and fat storage and tends to slacken your exercise routine.


Rule No 5: Eat a small and light snack at least an hour before you start exercising

 “With protein and complex carbohydrates in your system, you’ll train harder, longer and with 

more enthusiasm.” Also make sure that you do not eat anything for an hour after your exercise.


Rule No 6: “An hour after your exercise, have a light meal of protein and plenty of carbs to

 keep you energised. This meal is necessary to provide the muscle- building materials to

 repair depleted tissue and begin the process of building new muscles,” 


Rule No 7: Drink lots of water, especially between workouts.